his manager said that he did great job, it means that I also did a good job to support him.
經過HRD的一番引導培訓,10月回來之后,對自己的思維及行為方式進行了反思。也認真的考慮了領導的需求,將領導作為一個和我一樣有需求的人來看,而不是將他看做是一個擋在我項目管理路上的絆腳石、看做一個可以用作推動項目的工具、或者覺得他是在我的項目管理中無關緊要的東西。同時也理解了領導的處境,比如對于一個強勢手下的忌憚;新官上任想燒上三把火;想表現自己的欲望。但是,在同一個項目中,雖然自己跳出盒子了,可領導還是在盒子里,筆者也在思考著該如何將自己的領導帶出盒子。 后來又有一次他讓我和他換辦公室,筆者和總經理也曾經深談了幾次,筆者明確的告訴他:“我做工作的原則是讓自己的領導在他的領導面前好看,我做好我的工作,就說明領導對我管理有方,如果領導的領導夸領導的工作做得好,那說明我對領導的支持足夠?!?
Thereafter, we still had several conflictions, however, the confliction was less and less after I was trying to think and behave out of box. As a result, there were no major difficulties in handling that project and I could talk to him and get support from him when the team needed it. Admittedly, my GM and I had different thought and confliction on managing a project, however, it made my project management smoothly after I saw him as a people rather than an objective
Finally, the project had been PPAP in May 2009 and been in SOP in September. Since then, I was trying to see issues out of box when I handled other projects, I see customers, vendors, team members and the managers whom I need support for my project as people and it facilitates my project management.
Hence, if we can be out of box when we manage projects and see all stakeholders as people instead of objective, we will get feedback from people, instead of re