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2014/4/13 22:22:37 | 3350次閱讀 | 來源:贏在中國網(wǎng) 【已有0條評論】發(fā)表評論
A lot can happen in a work day. If you’d like to be ready for anything the day throws at you, you should keep these 8 office desk essentials on hand at all times. 工作時啥事都能冒出來,若想應(yīng)付自如,辦公桌上最好隨時有以下8個必備用品。 1. List of the day’s priorities 當天的優(yōu)先任務(wù)清單 How will you know you’ve reached your destination if you don’t have a map? Don’t write down everything you have to do: limit yourself to a short list of actionable items that will move you forward in some way. They could help you with health, fitness, your relationship, work, or whatever you want to do. The point is to focus on key tasks that are relevant. If you’ve ever complained about teachers who gave you “busy work” that did nothing to mould you as a person, you know it’s easy to get caught up in stuff that really doesn’t matter. Be minimal to avoid getting distracted. 不看地圖怎能知道自己是否到達目的地?不必事無巨細寫下一切,簡單記下能夠達成的任務(wù)就行。這些任務(wù)應(yīng)有益于健康健身、人際關(guān)系、工作或其他方面。而且,一定要專注于相關(guān)的重點任務(wù)。要是你曾抱怨過老師總安排毫無實際意義的沉重作業(yè),你會發(fā)現(xiàn)自己確實會陷入一堆瑣事中。所以切記避免分心。 2. Spare phone charger 備用手機充電器 I never remember to take my phone to work, so it’s always on the brink of death by the end of the work day. Really, I could stand to spend a bit less time looking at my phone—just like everybody else—but nonetheless, a phone drained of battery life wouldn’t be able to make a call if you ever needed it to. Keep a spare charger at work to save yourself potential inconvenience. 我從不記得把手機帶到辦公室,所以每到下班,手機常??鞗]電了。說實話,像其他人一樣,我也還能忍受費神地到處找手機,但如果找到手機后發(fā)現(xiàn)電池完全不夠用來打個電話,我可要崩潰了。在辦公室里放個充電器,以備不時之需。 3. Water bottle 瓶裝水 Everybody knows that they’re supposed to drink more water, but nobody actually does it. Be one of the proud members of Club Hydrated by keeping a water bottle at your desk. A dehydrated brain is an unhappy brain that struggles to think clearl
“項目管理生根計劃” 企業(yè)項目經(jīng)理能力培養(yǎng)和落地發(fā)展方案下載>> |
網(wǎng)站文章版權(quán)歸原作者所有,如有認為侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系我們,將于1個工作日內(nèi)作出處理! |
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