nd facilitates communication about issues and schedules.
Team Speak
Some basic guidelines for team formation and management that improve communication include:
l Keep teams small. Four to five developers working on a well-defined subsystem streamlines communication.
l Address problem team members promptly. Team members who cannot or will not work well as part of a team quickly become morale issues that cost more that they are worth.
l Avoid “part-time” team members. Sharing team members with other projects guarantees people will be trying to accomplish too many jobs at once and assures that both projects will suffer. Try to get full-time commitment from team members for the duration you need them on the project.
l Avoid adding developers to “fix” schedule issues. If the project is not performing to its schedule goals, avoid the quick fix of assigning additional people to an existing team. The overhead required to orient and assimilate a new team member rarely results in any short-term schedule improvement.
l Co-locate teams. A development team should be located in the same building, on the same floor and in the same general area to facilitate tam reviews and questions. A small meeting room for team use is a real plus.
Payson Hall is a consulting systems engineer and project management consultant from Catalysis Group Inc., Sacramento, Calif., USA. Hall has worked hardware and software systems integration projects in both the public and private sectors throughout North America and Europe during his 20-year career.