hitectural specification so that when the system is subsequently partitioned, people are clear about the interactions among the parts.”
While it takes discipline, it is essential to take the time at the outset to document agreements on development processes and quality criteria for deliverables and resist the temptation to declare a deliverable “complete” until the quality criteria have unambiguously been achieved.
Sapient’s Graham Oakes has had the most rapid development success when making conscious decisions about communication and planning. To gain an advantage, he advocates:
l Structured Plans. Daily progress meetings work only if they’re reporting progress against a well-defined plan. Weekly status reports follow well-defined structure so they can be written quickly without forgetting key issues
l Extreme Visibility. Sapient employs a project war room with all plans – top-level, mid-level, and a day-by-day micro schedule, risk lists, overall project objectives, to-do lists with owners and deadlines and progress metrics – highly visible and easily accessible
l Frequent, Brief Communication. Sapient uses daily stand-up progress meetings – no more than 15 minutes – in which each member details progress against the micro schedule
l Clear, Common Goals. People will make a lot of decisions on the fly, but they must know how their piece of the project puzzle ties into the overall objectives.
One of the biggest communication challenges is building and sustaining an understanding of the development process among key stakeholders and sponsors. Providing understandable and visible milestones during development is key so that sponsors and stakeholders get a sense of progress. This in turn helps to manage their expectations a