and project management.
Asked to share rapid development insights, Bent Adsersen, independent Danish project consultant, offers the words of Roman emperor Augustus: “Festina lente” – Latin for “Make haste slowly.” Avoiding panic and the chaos it engenders is key. This involves taking the time to establish sound habits at the start of the project.
Compressed time frames strain communication. Graham Oakes, director of technology for Sapient Corp, London, U.K., suggests, “The communication issues [of rapid development] are all the same, but there’s less margin for error and more opportunity for things to go wildly off course in a week.”
Oakes points out that teams under pressure often improperly sacrifice both processes and software deliverables for the sake of speed. “Tailor processes to the circumstances, but don’t simply drop review and other quality assurance processes to save time,” he says. “Defects cost time.”
Cautious Hand-Offs
The baton frequently drops in the hand-off between the users and analysts who capture requirements and the designers and developers who interpret and implement them. “Be thorough when capturing requirements and assure that users are involved in design reviews,” says Mardell Hall, consulting project manager for Catalysis Group Inc., Sacramento, Calif., USA.
Specialized development processes benefit from improved communication between customers and developers. As Ken Pugh, software consultant from Pugh-Killeen Associates in Durham, N.C., USA, points out, “With XP, the customer must be on-site, so that the details of requirements can be explained as needed. If technical issues implementing a particular requirement become relevant, the customer and developer can work together to make tradeof