pected to challenge the work definition until that contributor was perfectly satisfied that the management objective was technically unambiguous and that there was mutual agreement on realistic time and cost expectations.
Well-defined work package completion criteria allowed easy monitoring to confirm that both management’s and the performer’s expectations were met. This approach to determining work assignments allowed the team to carefully evaluate and consider the potential impact associated with a work content/skill set match disconnect (the accuracy of estimating time and cost). In addition, the consistent, professional work package led to obtaining performer buy-in and whole-hearted, internalized commitment.
Next, Management extended total empowerment rights (including authority consistent with the confirmed skill set capability) to the individual performers. Management also invoked the freedom and flexibility of a “no news is good news” philosophy in work progress measurement and problem analysis. Only significant disruptions of “shared” expectations required formal reporting (including suggested corrective action to be taken) to higher levels of management.
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